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Kaitlyn LaBorn

Founder, Senior Marketing Consultant

Kaitlyn is a self-taught marketing professional looking to help small businesses navigate their marketing structure and strategies. From clients big to small, Kaitlyn has worked with many industries to help businesses develop and execute marketing plans, manage and expand marketing teams, build and redesign websites, and so much more. She specializes in web design, branding, content marketing, recruiting for marketing teams, search engine optimization, and email marketing.

Mentionable Projects

Seattle Angel Conference

The Seattle Angel Conference is a program designed to grow the startup and angel investor ecosystem. This angel investing program educates new angel investors on how to become an angel investor and startup teams on how to put their best foot forward when seeking angel investments, Kaitlyn works closely with the Seattle Angel Conference to build and maintain their website, present educational workshops to startups, and increase attendees to events.
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Startup Investor Accelerator

Startup Investor Accelerator is a series of angel investing programs that take place around the world to help build strong startups and educate new angel investors. Kaitlyn built and maintains all of the websites under the Startup Investor Accelerator brand.
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Let's Grow Together
Symphysis Seattle Marketing & Business Development Logo for Seattle Firm
Symphysis Marketing Solutions, LLC 
A business development firm focused on growth strategies, branding strategies, and data-driven marketing for enterprise businesses, start-ups, and small businesses.